Dr Jelle TholeSr. Advisor Vaccine Development

Dr Jelle Thole

Jelle Thole is Founder, and Sr. Advisor Vaccine Development of TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI). He is co-chair of the Steering Committee, and member of the Product and Clinical Development Team of TBVI. As part of his role at TBVI, he is seconded as advisor to Biofabri, a human vaccine development and manufacturing company in Porrino, Spain. Jelle Thole is member of Scientific Advisory Board of the Validate Project, UK and member of the Board of the Division of Vaccinology of the Royal Dutch Society for Microbiology, The Netherlands. He has coordinated large integrated EC FP 6 and 7 projects (TBVAC, NEWTBVAC), aiming to develop new vaccines against tuberculosis. Jelle Thole is author of over 70 publications on antigen discovery, host-pathogen interactions, and immunology of human and veterinary mycobacterial pathogens including tuberculosis, paratuberculosis and leprosy.

Phone: +31 320 277552